Catch 22: The Privatization of Danish TV 2 vs. EU Rules of State Aid


  • Frands Mortensen



Since 2001, the Danish government has wanted to privatize the public broadcaster TV 2; however, the sales process has been halted. Ap- parently the EU rules on competition block for the will of the majority in the Danish parliament. The presentation explains this paradox by de- scribing the historical development of two processes: the attempt to the privatize TV 2 and the state aid cases against TV 2, which were opened by the Commission and now pending at the Court of First In- stance. The conclusion finds no inconsistency between the govern- ment's wish and the rules on State aid, but TV 2 has unlawfully trans- ferred funding for programming to equity capital, and the Commissi- ons has misinterpreted the conditions for using Article 86(2) in the Treaty in the evaluation of the recapitalization of TV 2. These two processes now obstruct each other.




How to Cite

Mortensen, F. (2006). Catch 22: The Privatization of Danish TV 2 vs. EU Rules of State Aid. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 22(40), 9 pages.